Testicular cancer is not common and tends to effect men between the ages of 15 and 49 years. Approximately, 2300 cases are diagnosed each year in the UK, and the average age is around 33 years. For reasons that remain unclear, white men have a higher risk of developing testicular cancer compared to men from other ethnic groups. As it effects younger men, it is important that it is identified early and treated promptly.
Self examination, preferably once a month should be encouraged. It's important to be aware of what feels normal and to see your GP immediately, if anything abnormal like a lump is noticed.
Broadly speaking, testicular cancer is subdivided in to germ cell and non-germ cell tumours. Germ cell tumours account for nearly 95% of the cases, and further subdivided in to the following 2 main types.
1. Seminomas: usually seen in men between the ages of 20 and 4o years and accounts for roughly 40-45 % of all cases.
2. Non-seminomas: forms the rest and includes teratomas, embryonal carcinomas and yolk sac tumours etc.
Treatment of testicular cancer usually begins with surgery to remove the abnormal testis, which is called a radical inguinal orchiectomy. This operation is performed through an incision in the groin along the beltline. During the surgery, the entire testis and most of the spermatic cord is removed.
Depending on the blood tests (tumour markers), radiological and histological staging, further treatment is assessed and usually a review is arranged with an oncologist.
Testicular cancer is one of the most treatable cancers with excellent survival rates. In England and Wales, almost all men (99%) survive for 12 months and 98% survive for 5 years following diagnosis.
To learn how to perform testicular self examination, then please follow link.